Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Calling all Youth for Christ Choir members

Former Youth for Christ Choir members:
If you plan on attending and participating in the Reunion Youth for Christ Choir celebrating the birthday of First Lady Leola Copeland, please RSVP by contacting Pastor James L. Hudson via inbox on Facebook, by email at or calling 270-442-8946 ext. 0.
If you know former members who are not on Facebook, please let them know and have them RSVP.

Hotel Reservation Information

Hotel Reservation Information for Copeland Celebration 2016

Rooms at a discounted rate have been reserved at the Comfort Inn and Holiday Inn Express in Bourbonnais, IL

Comfort Inn
1500 Illinois Hwy 50
Let them know you are a part of the Copeland Celebration.
Arrival Date: July 8-10
Rate: $101/ 2 Queens
Includes hot breakfast
Make reservations by June 7th for discount rate
$50 incidental fee
Children under 18 free
Terri Caldwell, general manager

Holiday Inn Express
62 Ken Hayes Drive, Bourbonnais
Doubles and King rooms available
$119 night
Includes breakfast
Make reservation by June 1st to receive discount rate
Edward Walz, assistant manager